Ktor resources allow us to define routes and use them in the server and client. We'll move to the next level and we will define enpoints with url, httpMethod, input type and output type, so that we can rehuse them in the server and in the client.
Read MoreLets create a nice Kotlin function that returns a flow with the list of files inside a path.
Read MoreWhen using Docker to develop Rails apps, instead of using the standard rails command, we need to use docker compose up app rails. We descrive how to simplify this.
Read MoreWe will secure an Nginx site with ssl (Https) runnig in a Docker container, using Let's Encrypt. We will use Jenkins to auto-update the certificates.
Read MoreWe describe how to use Jenkins to build and deploy Middleman sites using Docker.
Read MoreAfter reading quite a lot about Docker in Trito we wanted to Dockerize our RoR apps, using Docker in both development and production environment. However we did not find THE PLACE where to find all the information needed. We had to read from many places and do a lot of try-fail tests. We will show our current solution in this post.
Read MoreUse Google Spreadsheet as a data-source for an Android application using Retrofit
Read MoreWe will add an edit and create screens to the Android Clean MVP example.
Read MoreIn the Clean Android series we will descrive how to create clean Android applications using different software patterns and tools. This article will describe how to use the MVP pattern.
Read MoreIn this entry we will create an RoR (Ruby on Rails) app that sends messages to an Android app using Google Cloud Messaging (GCM). We will keep the example as simple as possible but that will enable doing a sample of communication.
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